Council adopts strategic plan for Cranbrook

Council adopts strategic plan for Cranbrook

Members of City of Cranbrook council adopted the draft 2024 – 2027 Strategic Plan Monday night (May 15) – a document that will guide the higher-level objectives of the City of Cranbrook as a corporation over the next four years.

This new strategic plan was developed over the first three months of 2023 following the fall election of Mayor and council. The new strategic plan will guide the coming three years of this council and the first year of the next council’s term, 2024-2027.

The reason is that the budget takes months to create, based on projects and a business plan that must follow strategic direction, and the budget is presented to the council in the fall. In an election year, the election occurs, and the budget is then one of the first items dealt with by the new council a few weeks after they are born in.

Similarly, the previous Council developed a strategic plan that covered the last three years of their term, plus 2023, the first year of this council’s term.

The business plans and budget for 2023 are based on the previous council’s strategic plan; however, as this new plan is approved, staff will begin working toward these new council goals immediately where they can incorporate them in decisions, as the 2023 budgeted projects and business plans are acted upon.

This new strategic plan will fully guide the development budget and business plans starting in 2024; this means it will guide all staff direction as we begin to develop the 2024 budget, which starts this summer for approval this fall.

“This strategic planning exercise allowed the council and senior leadership to discuss priorities for this council’s term and beyond, with the resulting final plan reflecting what we as a council have heard from the community,” said Mayor Wayne Price.

“We know there will be instances where this plan may need to change due to unforeseen events like COVID-19, which did with the previous council. We are committed to adapting our priorities if needed.”

Staff will begin working toward these new council goals immediately, and they can incorporate them in decisions as the 2023 budget and business plans are carried out and completed.

You can find the new 2024 – 2027 Strategic Plan on our website –

City of Cranbrook